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PIN Payment

Why, the NFC technology makes cashless payment easier but also unsafe. Pay with credit cards facilitates the payment of purchases in stores and on the Internet. The contactless payment via radio with the NFC credit card to facilitate payment of the smallest amounts even more. The supposedly safe practices has yet vulnerabilities. Sensitive data can be simply read out with a Smartphone and use.

The savings banks with a pilot project in some federal countries with the introduction of the cashless paying via radio launched this year. The money cards feature of recent money and credit cards be expanded with the NFC wireless technology. This procedure allows for paying tiny amounts via radio. The chips will be charged before using tiny amounts of up to 25 euros. Want to the customer then pay credit cards with the NFC, he holds the card with a distance of maximum four centimetres before the Special reader. Only the card number, a three digit security code, and the amount on the radio are transmitted encrypted. An entering of a PIN or the confirm with a signature is not required.

Credit card certainly the time saving advantages of cashless paying with radio the largest advantage of paying with the NFC. The card must no longer be drawn through the card reader. The enter and confirm the PIN is no longer necessary. Just for people who pay often only small amounts, the map is a relief. You must not more painstakingly pick out the change or longer carry none around. Shorten the waiting time at the Office, that means the customer saves time. During the payment process, the customer needs to give the card the hand no longer. He keeps them alone close to the reader. Only a payment process is possible. A more NFC enabled card before the device stops, automatically cancels the transaction.

Interesting Facts

detailed information around the base pension a private pension is now essential – this is now well aware most people. What but so far always resulted in a problem, is the fact that tax possibilities associated with a private pension on the part of the policy more and more have been through the wringer. For many people, it’s so simple and you have to pay anyway simply no longer makes sense, to be save a private pension – taxes on the final payout at the end. That was the situation prior to 2005! Since 2005 there is the so-called base pension, that pension was introduced as an alternative to the well-known Riester. The Riester pension is equipped with a direct, Government allowance as opposed to the base pension. The base pension receives its attractiveness, however, only by the fact that the contributions, which are provided in such a treaty are tax-deductible to a very large extent.

For whom is the base pension attractive? Since the base pension is mainly by a high tax savings for the policyholder has, it is intended above all for all the people that fall outside the optimum audience for Riester pensions. These are for example all self-employed, but also people with above-average incomes who need to set aside as much for the age / want and while the fiscal possibilities of a Riester pension would go beyond. How can the base pension be discontinued? Basically, the base pension is tax deductible up to a maximum of 20,000 for singles and 40,000 euros at together assessed married couples. Since the base pension was introduced but parallel to the taxation of the statutory pension insurance, the full amount is deductible today still. 2005 began the deductibility of contributions at 60%, 2012 are already 74%.

The deduction increases from year to year to 2%, resulting in a result that 2025 total contributions are deductible up to a maximum of 20,000 euros so can. Tax liability of the base pension where light is, is always also shadow, even when the base pension. As opposed to a purely private old-age provision of the third layer, the payout from a base pension must be taxed not only according to the semi-income system, but it is taxed to the full pension. Also here, a staggering has been introduced however: in 2005, 50% of the pension were taxable, 2012, there are 64%. By 2020 this is growing at annually by 2%, from 2021 then 1%. Thus the total payout from a base pension of tax liability is subjected to in fact only from 2040 and the corresponding taxes.

Bait Advertising

Why are so many independent have be… Many self-employed persons have occurred in previous years in the private Krankenversicherung (PKV), because the provider with reasonable Einsteigertarifen have lured. Customers whose Tarife were calculated to cheap, have now to fight massive increases in premiums to the part. The PKV provider emphasize numerous new customers in the car in the current debate about the future of private health insurance often, that they could register constantly rising membership in recent years. The high number of new customers who have completed a private health insurance, is due not only to that compared to the statutory health insurance (GKV) better provision, but also by the numerous bait advertising of for private insurers in the years 2010 and 2011 due.

Especially self-employed persons had to make enormous contributions in the legal office, promised a more favourable coverage in the car. Criticism of the cheap rates of consumer organizations advised already relatively early to link the health not only of the price. Compared with the statutory health insurance, many car offers for the self-employed for a long time had the advantage of being cheaper. Especially young policyholders received a health insurance virtually at dumping prices. Self-employed persons who wanted to reduce their spending on their health care, left the legal funds in droves, in order to save money. They often expect less services for mostly healthy policyholders could not as disturbed in the statutory health insurance, first.

But as several insurance companies due to miscalculations end 2011 and early 2012 had to significantly raise premiums, the outcry was great. That there is a powerful health insurance does not come for free, was probably the least insurance customers clear. PKV not change although the private Krankenversicherungeinige can offer many car tariffs have become more expensive with the time advantages in that. According to the individual wishes and Conditions of the insured at his health care worth the private protection to a lot more than the legal. Self-employed should consider but in peace, whether they opt for an unusually cheap one dough er fare or a higher quality PKV offer. Because clear is: the cost of the steadily improving medical services will continue to rise in the future. And they can be financed permanently hardly with cheap rates.