Helping others as an aid to their own company more and more companies link selling your article with a “help-side kick”, i.e. they support commitment of associations/organizations and thereby give an image steeped in sympathy with the they attract audiences, who would not be able to reach with their normal advertising campaigns. If we now consider the advertising landscape, is that more and more companies linking the sale of their items socially. The beer drinkers can save the rain forest, the mother contribute to that with each diaper, which buys them, medicines for children etc. provided the third world Of course, the companies that invest a portion of their sales into social projects, are not driven by pure charity. Quality products hardly differ, the target groups are defined and priced the margins for producers have become tight.
New markets must be opened up, customers of rival companies need to be convinced, that they change the product, or take a new product. If so in terms of quality, price and service there is no difference for the consumer more make up, must be filed at the image of a company. Here, social engagement comes at the right time. Most people are good and right social engagement and would financially support associations and organizations, but often your own financial situation does not allow for that. Here, which let a portion of their revenues in social projects, a – for the consumer – viable way to help companies. The company undergoes an image appreciation in return and is interesting for customers who get the same service at the same price, the same quality, and – can do more or less icing – even good. The customer experienced when purchasing not only to meet its needs, but also the satisfaction that his purchase elsewhere results in something positive. This positive trend has now also the fashion label “dogs of” Glory”- – decided to send a charity a portion of his proceeds.
Dogs of glory, producer of exceptional shirts, sweaters, the animal welfare organization far from fear e.V. – – will support caps etc. Thus, a perfect symbiosis of lifestyle and social commitment is entered. Socially committed organisations and clubs can only hope that more companies are recognizing the potential of this PR Action and their work is so supported in times of declining donations.