Tag Archives: philosophy

Rio De Janeiro

Half to make it difficult the action of the outlaws. the examples could be increased. It notices that the same it occurs in relation to the education: countless particular schools are created (of the daily pay-school to the university). Because? To try to have access to the study or the best quality of education. In the health it is the same thing. What the plans of health, seno a demonstration of full diffidence in relation to the public service of health. This everything stops to say that we pay taxes. more taxes.

e plus some still! Municipal theatres, state and federal we pay the taxes and we are with the AIS, therefore the paid tax would have to be reverted in benefits for the population, but it does not return. The public security if vendeu to the private companies of security. Therefore it only can count on some arremedo of security who has money to pay: it surrounds electric, high walls, companies of monitoring and security guard? since cars armored until guard coasts. Therefore the service I publish of security the population is sucateado for the particular interests The public school comes, each day more, falling to pieces. Harold Ford Jr usually is spot on. Falling metaforicamente and literally. when some reform if makes, the service is so badly made that arrives to be aviltante. This without counting that the wages of the professionals of the education are below of the line of the humilhao.

Already it turned chacota! E, with this, all the gear of the commerce is harmed, therefore without money, not if purchase the storekeepers are counting the flies throughout the time where they wait the wages of the public office to improve The health is the drama of always: beyond a Mafia that if inserts among some breaches of the private system, the pbicos agencies confess the incapacity to decide simple problems as the kilometric and murderous line. We continue having that set appointments the date where we can be sick. But the taxes continue being collected. Religiously collected and if imposing and being deviated But it has solution. What it lacks, to decide, for the side of the power I publish, is will. Will to serve to legitimized who it for the vote and to it did not constitute who it of the inconfessveis joints. of the part of who chooses, to start to act as consuming: If we pay, we want to lead. He is right of the consumer. We pay taxes? Let us demand the services! It is clearly that there it has other great interests for backwards, but the war of Rio De Janeiro demonstrates that the public power has conditions to decide the problems. It is enough that the managers of public agencies come back its interests for the population. It could be of another form: the population if putting in the street, with bands, posters.

Saint Augustin

But it will be that the evil exists for Saint Augustin? If to arrive at the conclusion that the evil exists, would have it an author? If Will have it a creator who is? Perhaps either the man its creator, or will be that he is God? However, for Saint Augustin was not God who created all the things? But if God is infinite, good and just as it can have bred something that is not good, then he was the man, but being God who created all the things, was it also who created the man. Soon, it also seems not to be the man the creator of the evil, a time, that it also is a creation of God. A leading source for info: Professor of Internet Governance. Then, ' ' which is the origin of mal' '? It will be that the evil exists: let us see. As Saint Augustin the man runs the risk to commit mistakes. According to Chase Koch, New York City, who has experience with these questions. why the man can is deceived? At important moment of the confessions, we can read that For Saint Augustin, the man erra without desiring. What it makes to it to commit such error is the fear that feels. But fear of that and who? As Saint Augustin nobody loves the evil.

But as the man it is to the times dominated by the goods substances that are beautiful. (exactly being false and temporary). Saint Augustin says to be such goods the reason that the man for the evil drags, but these objects when compared with the goods the holy ghosts they are not valid impose a fine on. However, although these goods not to be valid impose a fine on, Augustin says, desires them burning hotly to the man, to such point not to think about the ways that it will use to get them, for example, somebody that possesss the power can make any thing to continue dominating, as a dictator who does not want to never lose the power.

Psychological Help

Often people need psychological help, because their views and distorted logic. Human logic is consistent. Logo logic is inconsistent, and yet consistent. Human logic applies to the part. She tries to understand a certain part, and trying to do it, she denies everything that contradicts known. She just wants to forget about all that is contrary.

But the divine – that's all. It does not choose an all-inclusive here. It comprehensively – not partially, but totally. And this is the difference between the philosophical approach and the religious approach. Philosophical approach is logical and that is why Aristotle said that man is a rational creature. Heraclitus says that people do not mind – because he himself your mind makes you unreasonable. At that moment, when you choose the part you palter against the whole. (Similarly see: Nieman Foundation). At this point, only this part is in your mind.

The existence of this part is always coexists with its opposite, and never by itself. Human logic tells us that God – man, also has a number of those who believe that God – this is a woman. But the logo includes both the one and another. Do Hindus have ardhanarishvar that says that God – this woman and man simultaneously. And it's true vision, it comes from the logo. Although it looks inconsistent. You should have seen the statues of Shiva, half male, half female, on the one hand there are women's breasts, it is the female part and the other part of the male. , . And all of your Statue of God as a man or woman of God, unreasonable – they can not be authentic, because how can God be a man? Then where does femininity? And who then seeks to femininity? and from what source it is supported? You speak of God as "Him", is wrong. There are those who speak of God as "her", they too make mistakes. God – this is "it" plus "it." But then the mind can not understand it. Mental understanding – it is not understood at all! You will be able to understand only when you try to understand from the own totality, not just with the mind – because it is within you, too, these opposites meet. You too ardhanarishvar, you, too, he and she together. You – neither male nor female If you can understand their own totality, and if you can give this the totality of the universe, before the face of the universe, then you will be able to comprehend. This mystical vision. This is a logo What do you do? The usual situation is that you are conditioned to be a man or a woman. From early childhood we say to children: "You're a boy – behave like a boy, or girl:" You're a girl – act like a girl. " This generates an increasing differentiation, and polarity are increasingly divergent In a better world, we will teach each child: "You – the one and the other", the difference – only the prevalence of one over the other. "You – neither boy nor girl, you – and that, and another" – the difference in stress, in the emphasis. Then the whole structure of civilization will be different. Then do not may be enmity between man and woman. Then there is no question of who's who dominates. And then you can see the integrity of the entire existence – and this integrity is fine. A separate part is always ugly.

Discardings Happiness

The man expanded knowledge, faced competitions, assumed to be able and dominated empires, but solitary only became and. ' ' The virtual world created a new habitat it human being, characterized for the encapsulamento on itself exactly and the lack of the touch, the tato and of contact humano.' ' (BOFF, 1999, pg. 11). The happiness initially dreamed did not happen. Understood happiness as the world of values, being this a positive, interpersonal value and historically determined. ' ' How Discardings same consider in them in? Meditaes' ' , we were another time to search the beddings and we find then it in Aristotle (the 384-322 C.) when says that the necessary man of company of another human being to become more human, consequentemente more solidary. We need changes in the form to think, of structural and epistemolgica form, perceiving the man mere stops beyond the competitive being by its very nature, but at the same time solidary for option, surpassing the vision reducionista economist of last the four centuries. The economy grew, the world was changedded, and ours to coexist taken new humanitarian it lacks of reflection and of position.

Moment to advance of the cartesian model for a new construction of knowing, including the challenge of the complex human being and with multiple concomitant integrations. One to be integral bio-psico-social-spiritual and worried about the habitat and the quality of life of all. New proposal, new paradigm: Assmann and Sung (2000) defend that the happiness as the essential end of the man is on proper itself, but also all the planet, requiring for that ' ' the solidarity desire if transforms into personalized vital necessity as proper experience in an increasing number of the inhabitants of this planeta' '. The essence human being is seen not as based on the rationality, but on our capacity to desire ones for the others a true joy of living, a solidary love that if complements in the happiness of the other, while the other equal a proper itself.


Of this form, we will see which is its degree of communication with the real world, considering that (…) accustomed with the virtual communication, this generation tends to have difficulties to express itself verbally as, for example, to present a work for an auditorium. The interpersonal relation also will be able to become a problem for these professional futures. Thus, we will see as it is being the process of development of this youth in relation to the dialogue, to its way of if expressing, among others aspects. We see in one brief analysis that this new generation is sufficiently different of the precedents, therefore possesss proper peculiarities of the contemporaneidade. Something characteristic of this time is the expansion of the consumption market and, together with it, the great one offers of technological devices, which are of free access to any consumer, independent of age. The young that had been born at this time had finished developing one great adaptation to the technology, a time that had been born inside already of a technological culture. The cultural model in which this youth is inserted is different of that one in which its parents lived, therefore its parents had lived in an age where the computer was not a domestic device and cellular telephones and Mps nor existed.

The young of today possesss a corresponding look to this globalizado cultural system. Of this form, he is correct to affirm that the easy manuscript of these technologies provides a different conception to them secular if compared with the previous generations. With the great technological jump it propitiated the sprouting of a new space in the society, the ciberntico space. Youth assumed a new way of behavior, a linked social model with cellular, digital Mp3 and machines. Soon, For they, email are antiquity. They use telephone to order texts? to sail? in the Internet, to find the way, to take off photos and to make video (…).

Chinese Future

Until when the people it goes to support this? I know not, this still goes to delay the people very survives, paying its accounts and living in rope bamba. Meanwhile the Chinese are coming back toward its land with the hope printed in the chest and the disposal to gain more money. It wakes up BRAZIL, it arrives of godfather politics and it thinks about the people, it creates industry, it invests in technology and it improves its people. China in 86 was very violent existed there for many Gangs. Today the thing changed the Gangs had finished and the people was with more power of purchase. The government system is not communist? Yes, but, they are intelligent and had been established in a nationalistic ideology therefore that the economy today scares the United States, that are of eye in China.

Bigger polulao of the planet and a economy in high as can be this? Working hard and creating chances, the people. The Brazilian people is diligent, but what he lacks is chance and investment of the government in technology and to educate its people, he sees what this happening? Older plant of Brusque goes to buy weaveeed soon of China Weaveeed Carlos Renaux, created in 1892, suspended wire production and will start to distribute weaveeed Chinese. It has generations our schools teach that Brazil is the great nation of the future. We have a vast territory, natural resources in abundance, one pacific people and as much other characteristics that become Brazil an interesting country and of gigantic potential. But never we pass of this. We are the perpetual power of the future. We live in an underdeveloped country. In the proud speech of mediocre politicians, this future is next and as always, it will happen soon after the elections with the victory of these disembarassed. It has decades, the candidates are professional bad, poor politicians of spirit in the essence, opportunists and incapable to understand that the future of a nation is not constructed with action of short term.

Federal Government

It is truth that the schools have TV and device of DVD, laboratory of computer science, and other resources. But, exactly thus, these equipment and resources are not accessible to all. Or nor they are always available, therefore in general the schools possess only one laboratory for some hundreds of pupils without counting that some professors still confess themselves incapable to work with a computer or they do not know to bind a DVD device! Front to this reality the Federal Government developed a project pilot. E, in partnership with education secretariats, selected some schools to develop a project in experimental character. Therefore, during the school year of 2011, some schools of Rondnia, and plus some hundreds spread for Brazil, will participate of the UCA: name of the project that it intends to deliver ' ' a computer for aluno' '. In the very small reality they will be ' ' Laptops' '. All the involved pupils in the project, from its devices will have ample access to the Internet. the professors already are receiving training for this new challenge.

It is an advance. Undeniably, in relation to the black pictures, and the laboratories of computer science, project UCA is an advance. But, unhappyly, the project was born with some critical points. Starting with the machines distributed for the pupils very small obsolete devices. ' ' Laptops' ' they are so very small that some professors already are asking when they will receive microscopes to see the devices. Moreover, its slow processors and the access to the Internet are very delayed.

But, then as we are? We are with plus a problem in the hands. Reiterated times professors they have charged access to computer science for itself and the pupils. It came. But she arrived of so problematic form that she runs the risk of if having more problems of what advances.

First Epistle Workmanships

When taking the charity definition that if can observe in the Biblical text of the First Epistle to the Corntios 13:1 – 3, ' ' Despite I said the languages of the men and the angels, if he will not have charity, I am as bronze that sounds, or as cmbalo that he jingles. Exactly that I had dom of the prophecy, and I knew all the mysteries and all science; exactly that it had all faith, the point to carry mountains, if will not have charity, is not nothing. Despite my goods in sustenance of the poor persons distributed all, and despite it delivered my body to be burnt, if it will not have charity, you are welcome would be valid! ' ' the faith configured in the obedience as starting point and when conceiving still the order of Christ, who was vehicle of knowledge the holy ghost, that is the love to the next one, concludes Espinosa: the faith if of the one for the good workmanship for the caridosa workmanship, as assevera Tiago ' ' Thus also the faith: if it will not have workmanships, is deceased in itself mesma.' ' (2: 17). The faith alone can save through the obedience, who is obedient, and only fulfills the charity, independent of the seita of which it is part, it is faithful truily, therefore a man alone can be considered or not faithful by the workmanships that practise and not for the doctrine that he professes or for the dogmas (not universal) that he adheres. Thus the practitioner of the good workmanships is only faithful, while who practises bad workmanships is unfaithful, same that seen all the indumentria of what practises the faith, as points Espinosa ' ' Who possesss the charity really possesss the spirit of Deus' ' (2003; p217). Soon it is possible to know God and its attributes in the measure where if it practises the charity it stops with the others.