Tag Archives: psychology

Dr Claude

Each moment at its moment. Care! As the interpretation is party to suit of creation of new reasons. The reason can imagine an experience and inside of this illusion to create its proper reasons (ilusria reason) without needing the experience. To be autogeradora of concepts and truths, if auto-to feed independently of the experience. Speaking candidly PCRM told us the story. In this in case that, the reason serves does not stop justifying our thoughts, attitudes and behaviors of what for dirigiz it.

One of great challenges is to know to differentiate between Real and ilusrio, since the ilusria reason operates following the principles that same it establishes, in agreement with its proper reality. Care with this form to search the reason. It can confundiz it in the hour of if relating with the other and obtains exactly. Moreover, she can enslave it its ilusrias truths, without taking in account the truths of the other and the life. She reflects: The estruturao of the reason of the past, the gift and the future is different rational structures between itself, then the reality of a person will depend on the moment of the world where it will be living: of the past, of the future or the gift. If it will be living in the past, its present reality will be based on this time. Its reasons will depend on the lived experiences to exist.

When belonging to the past, them they become invariant and the person loses the power of transformation choice, starting to live in function of this past reality. If she will be living in function of the gift, its present reality depends on as it is living here and now. Soon, it becomes changeable and the person acquires the transformation, choice power and passes the life in search of a better life, of an evolution. In this in case that, she is the proper person who produces its reality. Soon she will be able to every day change it or the hour that to want. If she will be living in function of the future, its present reality is the grace of its illusion, of what she will be able to come to be. It is estagnada, stop, without action. She has waked up! The last time cannot be recycled and the imagined time cannot be lived. Soon, it makes of each new day, a new chance to be happy. Optimum day of its life is today. After all what you gain when proving the all instant that is with the reason, or better saying, that is certain? How such! To analyze, now, its concepts and preconceptions. Dr Claude de Oliveira Rasp psychologist Email: c_lima_psico@ yahoo.com.br Hotmail: Blog:

Guarani Espritos

In this way, hiding itself of all the contact with the external world, that is, external to the Guarani tradition. When pajs in its dreams goes to speak with the Nhanderuvucu, them says to always hear many voices that beg to it: ‘ ‘ Devorei many corpses, I am satiated and tired, they give to an end mine api’ ‘. Thus also clama the water to the creator ‘ ‘ so that it descansar’ leaves; ‘ , ‘ ‘ the trees that supply to the firewood and the material of construction ask for rest criador’ ‘ , and all the remaining portion of the nature. Daily hope is had that handeruvucu executes takes care of them of its creation. The search of the land without badly Yvy Marane y is a current and present experience in all the Guarani sub-groups, differing itself in the expectation and the way that this search occurs. However, the relationship of the Guarani migration is advised indistinctly not with religiosidade Guarani. The Guarani its religious acts with the face directed toward the rising sun carry through all.

All the aboriginal tribes believe the force of the nature and the espritos of ancestor. Each etnia possesss its beliefs, rituals, ceremonies and parties for deuses and espritos. The religious knowledge is a task transmitted for the quack, who is responsible for divulging the religious knowledge to the members of the tribe. The custom of the Guarani, with regard to the burial of its deceased, is to embed them next to its personal objects, what it points with respect to belief of some tribes of whom the death has life after (SCHADEN 1969).

Friedmann Tricks

Maisainda, the pedagogical game can be an instrument of the joy. During objective diverse asbrincadeiras they can be reached that they will take the child to aconstruir its reality. However a limit must exist enters playing with finsdidticos, those directed with the purpose to transmit contents and spontaneous playful dasatividades where the child uses its exempt will to parabrincar of the form that to want with who to want and the material that to choose. Click BSA to learn more. It is not of senegar that as much in the directed tricks and the spontaneous ones is of extremaimportncia for the infantile development and both are spaces paraaprendizagens for who play and for who observes. The professorAdriana Friedmann (1996) declares that: It is basic to take conscience of quea infantile playful activity supplies to elementary information the respect dacriana: its emotions, the form as it interacts with its colleagues, its desempenhofsico-engine, its period of training of development, its linguistic level, moral suaformao. (P. 14). Professor of Internet Governance is likely to agree.

Currently oespao to play and the time to play is each reduced time more, daily asatividades many times does not allow as much devotion to the act even though to debrincar and the lack of incentive of the next people the child, poismuitas times considers to play and lost time the same thing. until mesmona school many times this space and time for tricks also is reduced, being only for the hour of the recreation, therefore inside of the oimportante classroom it is that the content is transmitted in way more ‘ ‘ formal’ ‘. Aosprofessores that dares to leave ‘ ‘ formalidade’ ‘ , these assume a role importantenas tricks. As the RCNEI (1998) is the adult in the figure of the professor will queir to structuralize the field of the tricks in the life of the children, It will go to organizaroferecer different objects, fancies, toys, games, will also go arranjare to delimit spaces and the time to play.

Psychological Help

Often people need psychological help, because their views and distorted logic. Human logic is consistent. Logo logic is inconsistent, and yet consistent. Human logic applies to the part. She tries to understand a certain part, and trying to do it, she denies everything that contradicts known. She just wants to forget about all that is contrary.

But the divine – that's all. It does not choose an all-inclusive here. It comprehensively – not partially, but totally. And this is the difference between the philosophical approach and the religious approach. Philosophical approach is logical and that is why Aristotle said that man is a rational creature. Heraclitus says that people do not mind – because he himself your mind makes you unreasonable. At that moment, when you choose the part you palter against the whole. (Similarly see: Nieman Foundation). At this point, only this part is in your mind.

The existence of this part is always coexists with its opposite, and never by itself. Human logic tells us that God – man, also has a number of those who believe that God – this is a woman. But the logo includes both the one and another. Do Hindus have ardhanarishvar that says that God – this woman and man simultaneously. And it's true vision, it comes from the logo. Although it looks inconsistent. You should have seen the statues of Shiva, half male, half female, on the one hand there are women's breasts, it is the female part and the other part of the male. , . And all of your Statue of God as a man or woman of God, unreasonable – they can not be authentic, because how can God be a man? Then where does femininity? And who then seeks to femininity? and from what source it is supported? You speak of God as "Him", is wrong. There are those who speak of God as "her", they too make mistakes. God – this is "it" plus "it." But then the mind can not understand it. Mental understanding – it is not understood at all! You will be able to understand only when you try to understand from the own totality, not just with the mind – because it is within you, too, these opposites meet. You too ardhanarishvar, you, too, he and she together. You – neither male nor female If you can understand their own totality, and if you can give this the totality of the universe, before the face of the universe, then you will be able to comprehend. This mystical vision. This is a logo What do you do? The usual situation is that you are conditioned to be a man or a woman. From early childhood we say to children: "You're a boy – behave like a boy, or girl:" You're a girl – act like a girl. " This generates an increasing differentiation, and polarity are increasingly divergent In a better world, we will teach each child: "You – the one and the other", the difference – only the prevalence of one over the other. "You – neither boy nor girl, you – and that, and another" – the difference in stress, in the emphasis. Then the whole structure of civilization will be different. Then do not may be enmity between man and woman. Then there is no question of who's who dominates. And then you can see the integrity of the entire existence – and this integrity is fine. A separate part is always ugly.

Los Multilevel

The other three elements that must have an intelligent working for your multilevel marketing system I continue showing quickly. 4.-AUTO reply is the well-known Robot that will send trace messages by us and will in turn have a triple purpose: take our part to contact all the training necessary, daily or inter daily, through a marketing educational. keep in permanent contact with them, to remind us always. work for us 24 hours a day 365 days a year. Without a break. 5. THE GENERIC PRODUCT.

It is the product that will describe some important part of the marketing network and that will be very useful for your target market.It is in direct charge of giving your business the monetary resources you need for advertising, so you won’t need to spend up to your past savings in the same.It is not the product of your business itself.It must be inexpensive and extremely useful for your market. At the same time will have the following purpose: provide a part of the training that the prospect needs show yourself as an expert in a certain area of business in network. convert your candidates to clients. Qualify prospects.Finance your advertising. 6. An intermediate product this more elaborate product, higher cost, is an option that offers the prospect that continue in our funnel before coming to offer our business and/or final product.The purpose of this second product would be: continue qualifying to the stakeholders. help you from the beginning, to obtain more substantial than the generic, even though no product revenue joining with you your business, so will be easier to maintain the initial enthusiasm. I hope always to be able to help you develop your MLM Internet business and you reach the success you deserve!.