Tag Archives: society & social issues

Assyrian Chaldean Christianity

He stressed that human rights and freedom of religion with the possibility of each people begin to develop its own view of the world. The path then is not about reach, from which you should choose something a list of religions. Iran’s Constitution allows no religious freedom in the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran is a kind of hierarchical collection of permitted religions, which already violates the International Convention on Civil and political rights according to Baker. Certain reading Shia Islam is regarded as State doctrine, which is at the top. Some religions such as Judaism, Assyrian Chaldean Christianity and Zoroastrianism likely a kind of niche General, while groups such as the Baha ‘ i faith, Protestant Christians, Sunnis and Dervishes were pursued. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Dr. Neal Barnard. Professor Bielefeldt announced some cases that you would communicate with the Government in Tehran.

Real change must be from the inside How come all speakers, whether secular or religious minded, stressed at the end to help the civil society in the Iran through joint action. Akhtar Gama completely rejected the dialogue with representatives of an unjust regime. Professor Bielefeldt must remain qua its role in the conversation. For even more details, read what BSA says on the issue. With the help of de marshes (diplomatic correspondence) or through publications on the serious violations of the react the Iran human rights, to increase the pressure. A Government is responsible for the observance of human rights and must be included in the duty. How can we help the Zivilgesellschft asked a participant? Summary of mehriran.de: continue to inform the German civil society about the nature of the ideology.

Continue to raise the Menschenrechsverletzungen in the Iran. Continue to make sure that come the Iranians in the Iran information, which denies them the regime in the country. Continue to support those, who advocate a peaceful and consistent system change in the Iran. Secular and religious forces bring together in dialogue to put an end to the absurd power play of the regime. Helmut N. fork, mehriran.de

Confederations Cup

Historic protests in Brazil attune the Brazilians on the Confederations Cup final to the wave of protests that broke out in Brazil, is certainly as one of its most important historical moments in the history. Learn more about this with David Delrahim, Los Angeles CA. Not only the international community, but also the Brazilians themselves are surprised by the speed of this process and the extent of the nationwide people’s movement. The response to the public expenditure through the 2014 World Cup is only a part of the broad and varied demands of the Brazilians, who are calling for an improvement of the quality of life. The countless signs of protesters with slogans such as “We want hospitals and schools after FIFA-standard” or “I don’t want the World Cup, I want my money for health and education” refer to the luxurious soccer stadiums. The FIFA World Cup is thus became a major symbol in the fight against inequality prevailing in the country, social injustice and political corruption. Although the most important events in the Year 2013 starts, held the protest movement on August 27 in the northern city of Natal. As the local city administration increased the bus fares, many protesters, mostly students, on the Street go. A few days later, it comes to a second protest, which follow conflicts but with the police.

The pressure of the population leads to that ticket prices be lowered again. In may 2013, the city administration again lifted prices for public transport and again protests follow. In the course of the year 2013 it comes to further demonstrations in various parts of the country, as well as in the southern city of Porto Alegre and Goiana in Central-Eastern Brazil. The 28 may 2013 leads to the greatest tension. 4 Buses are destroyed in the course of the conflict, two of them are set on fire and two devastated. In addition, the police arrested 24 students due to vandalism and disobedience.

Volunteer Ministers

Through the training as a volunteer Scientology of chaplain, to learn the basic tools, to alleviate the difficulties of other L. Ron Hubbard a program worked out long ago already, with which each person can learn to apply basic principles of Scientology. These methods help to restore in the today’s time, morality, and ethics, and to ease the suffering and the problems of the people. If you are not convinced, visit CBC. The program by L. Ron Hubbard entitled: “You can do something”. The honorary Scientology make use of the “manual for the Volunteer Ministers” clergy. Basic principles of Scientology is covered and that the clergy are trained in the basic principles.

These principles can be used by people who were not yet trained as professional counsellors. With these methods can they help all people who meet her and who need help in their lives. An honorary Chaplain of Scientology is defined as a person who helps others on a purely voluntary basis. Neeman Foundation describes an additional similar source. The clergy do This, by people are simple, basic pastoral care can be. Helping your fellow man can overcome difficulties, which they have in their lives. A volunteer chaplain understands that in regard to this world, something must be done. He may be no professionally trained Scientology chaplain, he wants to do yet everything in his power to help others – as a volunteer chaplain.

Through the training as a volunteer Scientology of chaplain, he learns the basic tools to alleviate the difficulties of others. He does not work while a trained pastor in his environment, but does what he does because he sees that people need assistance. It shows others that L. Ron Hubbard something can be done with the methods. The idea of the Volunteer Ministers is actually taken from the basic model of the “barefoot doctor in China”. According to L. Ron Hubbard BBs observations on his travels in China he found out that the Barefoot doctor help donated to relieve the debilitating agony of the people. The doctor was not well trained, but for many people, he was pretty much the only assistance available. Scientology Volunteer programme includes spiritual “barefoot” clerics, who makes the pretty much only pastoral care that is readily available for some people. There are services that are completely unknown in the society. The whole idea of the Volunteer Ministers in Scientology is that he can do something for people on a voluntary basis. For this reason many volunteer Ministers are out in many countries, after disasters of any kind, to help improve conditions of people. The goal of the Volunteer Ministers is the plight and the suffering there is in this world, stop.

Volunteer Ministers

He graduated in the As of Summer 2009 and was one of the first assistants, who have moved in January 2010 to Port-au-Prince in Haiti. His skills as a nurse succumbed to their test as he and an other nurses had to bear responsibility for 4 stations of the General Hospital of Port-au-Prince. Many of the patients on the wards had injuries or diseases that went beyond what could be provided medical aid at this time. There was an acute shortage of medical equipment and doctors. In June 2010 Lindeman was awarded for his achievements – the award of the unsung heroes Award”of nursing Office of Port-au-Prince General Hospital and the Medishare Hospital of the University of Miami. Lindeman stressed that the Volunteer Ministers not in a disaster area with any fixed ideas go. Find out first what is required by officials and the disaster aid teams on the ground at all, then also deliver it to. One of the worst effects of the tragedy of such a large scale, such as It happened in Haiti and now in Japan, is the hopelessness that falls short,”Lindeman said.

The survivors suffer from indescribable loss of beloved relatives and their possessions, and they see an uncertain future in the eye. I believe that one of our most valuable posts is to revive hope. “” The Scientology Volunteer Ministers motto you can always do something “, and if the people we help, realize that this is true, really impressive things happen”. More information: press-service of the SK Bayern e.V. On behalf of the Scientology Church Germany e.V. contact: Uta Eilzer, be Anichstrasse 12, 80802 Munchen, TEL. 089-38607-0, FAX.

Christoph Metzelder Foundation

Empty cartridges and fax, printer and copier cartridges finance Foundation projects to the education and training opportunities for young people in Germany continue to improve, the Christoph Metzelder Foundation * now found a new way: with friends and supporters can contribute now also in the small of the Foundation of the friendly football international, by gathering empty cartridges and cartridges from fax, printer and copiers. The recycling proceeds will flow in support of projects in the field of youth welfare, youth social work and education. Organisation is the Christoph Metzelder Foundation this collection by the nationwide initiative with! supports, the beginning of 2008 already over 3000 collection points throughout Germany can boast since its inception. COLLECTION WITH! shows that it takes a lot not to do good. \”It’s just like in football: If you want to change something on the score, you start\”, says Christoph Metzelder. 2006 landed cartridges recycling worth EUR 250 million in the garbage has convinced the internationally renowned ex-Dortmund defender services of Real Madrid especially the untapped potential that lies in the recyclable material: still, almost 90 percent of the incurred in Germany empty ink and toner cartridges in the waste land. In recent months, Kidney Foundation has been very successful. In 2006 alone was approximately 117.5 million and cartridges with an estimated 250 million recycling value. Would you load a truck so, that would be a car queue of more than 25 kilometres in length.

But not every cartridge and cartridge brings into the recycling circuit equal to much revenue. As a new printer on the market, comes the corresponding cartridges are more in demand and bring more than those of discontinued models. COLLECTION WITH! therefore informed with a monthly updated list about the purchase prices on the homepage. Depending on the cartridge, the rates of a few cents vary up to more than 10 euro. The recycling proceeds for all recyclable cartridges and cartridges, which are collected for the benefit of the Christoph Metzelder Foundation go directly to the Foundation.

United Nations

Also here in Germany, no man before the infection is certain if he not responsibly dealing with his sexuality. As condom manufacturer we see ourselves the responsibility to educate about it because knowledge is still the best protection.” For more information about the school workshops, the school challenge 2011 and to the terms and conditions for schools there are on the action site on the Internet: and about Durex Durex is the world’s leading condom brand with over 80 years of quality experience. The global player guaranteed people in 150 countries with its products a safe and better sex life. The market leader in Germany and in over 40 countries speaks for itself and makes Durex condom brand Nr. 1 in the world.

With great enthusiasm, the market leader has become Dedicated to prevention of HIV and AIDS. Together with the initiative dance4life Durex is committed, to inspire young people and mobilize to engage together actively against the spread of HIV and AIDS. about dance4life 2004 dance4life in the Netherlands was founded and is the world’s largest youth movement against HIV and AIDS. Dance4Life Germany since 2008 and is a project of the Bremer cultural center Lagerhaus e.V. Since 2010, dance4life Germany is EU promoted. So far, more than 500,000 young people were achieved by dance4life. Today the initiative is active already in 26 countries around the world, including in addition to Germany in South Africa. Dance4Life is a new way in dealing with the AIDS pandemic and builds on the commitment of an active youth, who campaigns worldwide to prevent the spread of HIV and AIDS, by it is active with one’s own actions. The youth program of dance4life is based on a multidimensional strategy: dance and music projects are offered in schools, in which informed HIV and AIDS educational work takes place. Prominent supporter of dance4life are including Desmond Tutu (South African Archbishop and Nobel Peace Prize winner), Kofi Annan (former General Secretary of the United Nations), supermodel Doutzen Kroez and top DJ Paul van Dyk. Tina Havers dance4life Germany

Do Good By Clicking

Donations public donations Sie.de facilitates the contact between charities and helpful donors who puts the welfare of others above his own, opens up an unexhausted source of courage and determination in itself.” It must be not always the big money. Sometimes is lacking non-profit organizations on Office furniture, sometimes on on a jungle gym in the playground or to active support for projects. Sometimes there are also small amounts of money, which will continue daily work help. So far but it was difficult to communicate their donation wishes to outside organizations. In the Internet, this is now easily possible: donate Sie.de donations portal.

The donation Exchange brings together both parties with just one click: nonprofits and foundations dealing with poverty, migration, environmental protection and many other topics, as well as donations ready for people. A supporter can be found for almost every donation request. Non-profit organizations can get free in the Enter donation Exchange with a brief content description of the self, their logo and desiring donations. They are easy to find using the thematic or alphabetical search function. The donation processing happens as smoothly as possible, the donations Portal provides a donate button (SSL encrypted) on, which can be set up against a small fee in each profile on donations Sie.de. The processing is done by micro-payment on the phone.

The donor determines the amount of money, by he just hangs up after a bar graph reaches the desired height of the donations. Donations Sie.de is a project of Adam Steger forest Foundation, which is working with international projects for child poverty, human rights and the autonomy of Tibet. The Steger forest Foundation has called Parliament Wurzburg donation in life, where transparency and participation in the donation funds are practised in public meetings. The Foundation is not involved in the financial transactions on donations Sie.de.

Christianity Charity

> Source: (C) by wikipedia.net; Author > the philosophy of religion is a philosophical discipline that has the manifestations and the theoretical content of religions to the subject. You are attempting to answer questions after the rationality of religious statements, essence and forms of religions and their practical importance in the lives of people systematically and rationally. It can manifest itself as criticism of religion or as a sprachphilosophische analysis of the form of religious language. u0085 is the philosophy of religion not purely empirical discipline. One of their main demands is rather the reasonableness of Religion and faith. In contrast to the theology, the answer to this question is generally open for them. If you would like to know more then you should visit Nieman Foundation.

But also the theology is seeking a rational penetration of faith, but it is done in the form of a justification. In contrast is always the faith and not the reason as a benchmark to the philosophy of religion in theology in the last instance of the viewed to believers. … The transcendent reality is encountered in adoration, humility, obedience, love or fear. … Furthermore, every religion contains a more or less explicit moral code morals: value worlds, sets, how people deal with each other to and partly also, as the nature deal with should.

Inner natural attitudes / beliefs are more important than explicitly formulated norms of behavior moral ethics: Act. Because it is in not only the religious ethics, religious rules to meet, but the will of God ‘ to meet and to have the right attitude.

Haitian Government

Even before the earthquake, the ownership structure of the soil posed a problem that has intensified now. Arbitrary evictions from homes or excessive rent the consequence would be, if now people built back their flats and houses on land whose ownership are not entirely clear. A successful resettlement therefore depends on the Haitian Government with the support of the international community to solve this problem. The catastrophic construction standards of the houses in Haiti were the reason that significantly more people in the earthquake killed have come to Chile in comparison. In the future, the unit must be used to these standards greatly improved and built to earthquake-proof houses.

A further focus of aid flows should be on the different needs, in particular of women and children, and their opportunities for work, education, safety and ownership. Every week up to 70 new ones emerge with Habitat for humanity in Haiti earthquake-resistant transition houses, which can be expanded in the long run. In total over 400 transition houses have been built, more 31,000 are planned over the coming five years. Also, over 2,000 damage assessments were carried of damaged houses through Habitat for humanity. Childrens Defense Fund is often quoted on this topic. Over 21,000 shelter kits for emergency shelters help the first emergency. Including 2.727 shelter kits, funded by the Foreign Office in Germany.

“Although all participate in helper with an incredible performance combined help to provide accommodation for the people, the situation six months after the earthquake is still very precarious”, so Jonathan Reckford. As a first step, to provide a roof over your head the parties concerned at all, Habitat for humanity and other charities around 100,000 tents and over 680,000 plan have provided. However, this largest number of shelters after a disaster meets the needs of not far. Jonathan Reckford is the role to strengthen the international non-governmental organizations therein, the Haitian Government, local non-governmental organizations, the municipal organizations and the private sector. Only in this way, the country in the long term can succeed. In its recommendations, Jonathan Reckford urged the U.S. Government and global volunteers to support a strategy for urban development, which is geared to the needs of Haitian citizens and provides job opportunity and infrastructure in the central areas. Because the sustained meaningful and safe house construction is of crucial importance for the future economic potential of Haiti, the standard of living and the general development of the people. About Habitat for humanity, Habitat for humanity builds safe and adequate housing for poor families in about 90 countries with the help of donations and organised the reconstruction of disaster areas. So far could worldwide more than 350,000 houses built and renovated. More than 1.75 million people could be helped as a result. Among the most prominent supporters of Including Barack Obama, Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter, Bill Clinton, Brad Pitt, Bon Jovi and Daniel Libeskind include habitat for humanity. Web link:. More information about the reconstruction work of Habitat for humanity in Haiti under hfhd.de/nothilfe-haiti.html contact: Manuela Kikillus, Geschaftsfuhrerin Habitat for humanity Germany on the Berlich 30 50667 Cologne Tel: 0221 57 9595 0 Email:

Zero Direct Taxes

Fiscal consolidation and tax cut in unison while the majority of Germans planned tax cuts declines early next year as the current ARD DeutschlandTrend shows, but the current debate about the Government’s plans for further tax cuts running from the wrong perspective. The individual income tax rate is since 2009 between 14% (marginal tax rates) and 45% (maximum tax rates). The corporate tax rate with 15% since 2008. Withholding tax and solidarity surcharge be added. To our current tax system produces some strange howlers. Some German companies pay up to 173 percent taxes on their profits.

This means that they consume on their substance, to comply with the requirements of the IRS. This burden is a consequence of the corporate tax reform 2008. The tax burden only 140 percent would be reduced by the proposed tax package of the Federal Government. The party of reason for radical tax reform occurs, namely the complete abandonment of the taxation of income of Citizens and the profits of enterprises at simultaneous strike of subsidies and spending. It is a misconception to assume that the State must raise taxes, when he needed money. The opposite is true! With lower tax rates and associated closure of tax loopholes, tax revenues increase demonstrably because taxpayers are honest and the economic activity is strongly increasing. The party of reason is aware that it can be only a long-term goal. In a first step we are for the introduction of a flat tax (uniform rate) by 25 percent for generous basic allowance (aim: 12000 euro) a.

However, the comprehensive reform of our financial system is based on an associated with the tax cuts and especially sustainable prosperity. To prevent future financial crises simultaneously represents the party of reason logically irrefutable proposals of the Economist and Nobel Laureate Friedrich August von Hayek. Free markets with free, not by the State and politics controlled money, create the conditions for long-term economic success in Germany and real prosperity for the entire population. More information: parteiprogramm.html #abgabenundsteuern party program/0-control modell.html parteiprogramm.html #finanzen inland/deutschlandtrend/deutschlandtrend968.html policy/Germany /: loads-corporate-pay-up to… development of tax rates/19401c22752i1p42… Image source: Flicr.com the reason is a party within the meaning of the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany and of the law on political parties. It brings together members without distinction of nationality, wpg, origin, race, sex and profession of faith, which want to participate in the construction and development of a democratic rule of law and a social order of the free spirit and reject totalitarian and dictatorial efforts of any kind. The reason is a party with one economic orientation in Germany with the mandatory target of the strengthening of freedom and individual responsibility. The party of reason stands for Justice and openness to the world, a system of free market economy and a liberal constitutional State. Contact: Party of reason Jorg Brechlin high str. 26 07545 Gera 017696497835