Tag Archives: sports

Stress Reliever

Silent night, Holy night? For many, Christmas is unfortunately less relaxed and peaceful. On the contrary, the often less contemplative time stress determined. The tightrope between profession, everyday problems, get the gifts and planning of the family feast for body and psyche can significantly stress especially in the run-up to Christmas Eve. But with a deliberate time management, as well as a willingness to exercise excessive stress can be avoided. Remains of the blood pressure also at Christmas time in the normal range. Planning and activity in the busy pre-Christmas period ever track of the pending tasks loser, should write a to-do list with all things that need to be done. Even if is taken despite all good intentions again to most on the famous last minute, such a list helps organize the last days and weeks before Christmas.

So is exactly, what is still to do and feel like it would all over the head, grow, goodbye piece by piece with every check behind a task. In addition to a to-do list is also a rough schedule of benefit. In this stressed-out souls can enter when they want to do. But not only tasks are recorded therein; to reduce stress, you should also explicitly recorded the times to relax. Especially the sporty active compensation includes in addition to the comfortable relaxing on the couch the everyday hustle and bustle, because sport helps to better cope with stress. It must be not always equal the powers while jogging. Also Nordic walking or a relaxing winter walk are gold worth in response to stress.

Integrating continuous movement in everyday life brings the body into swing and contributes to the reduction of the stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol. To do this, the body with increased activity pours endorphins. The body’s own hormones of happiness”increase the personal well-being and provide mental relief.


Ancient belief of the tattoo of Tiger when we think of a creature of powerful and fierce is lurking in the forests, immediately think of the tiger that is one of the fastest and most ferocious predators that can wander the forest. Apart from that, we can surprise us with the capabilities of the Tiger especially with its sensual nature.There might be ways where we could express our true appreciation of this animal and we can also represent different kinds of meanings and one of them is to have a tattoo of tiger in our body. Here are some of the ancient meanings that Tiger tattoo represents and which may be associated to oneself and inner personalities. What means Tiger one of the known facts is that the Tiger represents a potent symbol across Asia and has been one of the tattoo designs in various countries on the continent as the India, Burma, Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, Japan, China and other Asian countries. Western countries or European countries they use the lion as its energy and Tiger tattoo symbol also represents rights, energy and modesty of all Kings. And in countries like Korea, they associate the tattoo of the Tiger as the King of the animals while that in countries of the India, that have gods as Shiva, the Tiger is associated as the Messenger of God. The Tiger is powerful, destroyer and creator, life and death, a symbol of power and strength.

When you think of Tiger tattoos, means usually also have an energy unequaled to be rendered like animals that could be their protectors. In China, they used the image of the Tiger to protect their homes against evils and to believe that with its qualities and fierce attitude, they blindarian them any damage. If you feel this sensual, powerful and ferocious tiger could choose this design for your tattoo.