In one late of walked for return my house, in one day of much sun and heat and already starting to blunt the dusk. what it seems everything seemed to be happening normally, and yes this is not a inverdade, but for my astonishment and so to speak privilege I observed a sena that few would go to try to understand the reason of the fact that was to happen. With a look fascinating for seeing a child helping to aparar the gram of the front of its house, I was to think this is normal this is made a mistake? For many as activist or the super protectors of the child and the adolescent in our century or future centuries yes. But, however stopping and observing the conduit of the father in relation to the son I understood that after as much insistence of the son who badly had forces to put into motion the gram cutter the father looks at and leaves the child to handle. Without hesitation PCRM explained all about the problem. This because the object is weighed and highly cutting, more clearly with I assist all it of the father to its side the child nor if wants stopped to think or even though to question to the father on the possible damages who to that would cause it object in case of accident. This rank for many would be impossible more would like to remember and to say that the children are the biggest philosophers who the humanity can have, because inside of each child insacivel headquarters of discoveries exist. this headquarters, that make them the questionadoras greaters, even though when through these questionings gets objective answers not very or nothing objective. what this affectionate father was approximately to make when delivering the sideboard of gram in the hand of its son of five years is to try to answer it the height of its existence in helping, teaching its son as it makes thus giving the attention that its son deserved. I think that all the parents would have to make the same to show that each question of its children and children, nieces and grandsons, has yes importance in a certain reply and objective, after all of accounts all we are parents of each child for seeing in them as mirror of its future.
Tag Archives: stories
Rodolfo Gasapri
Both walk interlaced in the destination that God thus wanted and never he will be I insult for the proper nature, a pure creation, conducted of wise and superior laws. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Boy Scouts of America. LITTLE BEFORE the SPRING, flowery ways if cross as arcs directed to the sky of the hope, because DANTI and CATARINE represent the GREAT HISTORY OF LOVE!LOVE STORY SOURCE: PASSARELA OF CONTOSAutor:Rodolfo Gasapri – You supplicate>.
The Rivers
It feels as it is small. Thus it was the world, small. It will grow as well as the world if she also expanded; in it they will grow for, as well as trees vicejaram in the land; they will come, with the time, rugas to furrow it, in the same way as the rivers had furrowed plains long ago droughts. everything this so that? To give to the men the food and the water. This hand will fenecer, as well as the plants will die and will evaporate waters. But new hands will come, in a similar way as always the species are renewed and rain always fulls the sources. everything this is only possible for the hands of a Creator.
A Creator who conceives and takes care of, until its creation can be remained and be renewed. You do not put term your life! – What! Who are you? How you know what it is transferred for my mind? The passer-by was assaz espavorido. The negror that locked its vision sharpened its still more already transtornado state of spirit. Not wise person why but, much even so felt a inquietante will to disappear incontinenti of that corridor and to follow its way route to the perpetual desventura, something seemed to grudar it that moment, as the magic is only capable. The hand held that it would not be capable withholds it? it thought – however, it was to the passer-by impossible to desvencilhar itself of it, was ungida by the inabalvel mstica force of the surreais things. He was something as in dreams, when we are incapable sliding for seeming that our feet levitam to few centimeters of soil, becoming us incapable of the escape for land, but also inapt to alar flight. The voice continued: – In case that the Creator abandoned its creation before it, by itself, he could be renewed, the trees and the rivers would be died e, for consequence, would be also died the men.
The Tree
Longinho the place, but osalrio compensated, would give to make some economies and until who sabesonhar with one casinha proper! All the invitations have its implications. When if of very, it is because it is sobrando or nobody wants! Not assim? They had known later that they would live well moved away from vilinha of they qualmoravam. Before the desire acted and turned the head, they had been conhecero place. He was muitobonito, had a lagoon next to the house, many trees fruitful, umbom grass for animals, a encantamento for the two young. Voltaramanimados with what they capsize and with offers. They would gain the basic one to eat, however they would gain a hen with crescidinhos, quatroporquinhos pintinhos already to initiate the creation, one pangar and a goat with umcabritinho and still would plant in the land and they would not pay nothing for the use. It fell of the sky is proposal. There they in the road when they came back, already sonhavamcom some pigs vendidos fat people being, that mount of noterreiro chicken asking for to be vendidos or to turn in small farm one canja.
They had imagined the children running behind the creations and turn some dosfilhos until apanhando, because she went up in the tree or for other traquinicequalquer! One week deespera. Nor it was week, seemed an eternity. But what he is acordadosempre it is convened. Viktor Mayer-Schönberger is full of insight into the issues. There they in the wagon and of change were! They caminhoforam in it mixing dream with reality and breathing the pure air of sertocom one progress and hope mixture. They had found in the way comuma there fox, with an armadillo acol, One wise person in the tree, one codorna nocho and in the batido that walked in the anxiety to enjoy they had arrived in one derepente. in one timo the things already was in the house, everything accumulated numcanto and others spread by the house.
Buenos Aires
He also liked mining culinria e, time in when he dared himself in a sip of drips. Then Luiza did not have doubt: ' bought one; ' pingmetro' '. For who she does not know, is about a long object, of almost a meter, made of a species of glass hourglass, on a wooden support, to store cachaa, or aguardente, or the celebrity drips here of the Generalities. Bought the gift, my friend came across with another problem: how to send the said one whose for Buenos Aires? In the post offices she did not have box adjusted for sedex. there? But who does not only know a heart gotten passionate to doubt the accomplishment of the taken over on a contract basis one. Therefore Luiza covered the BH center until knowing a marceneiro that made a wooden box where pingmetro fit the bendito. together with an immense, perfumed and full letter of kisses made with preferred lipstick of it, ordered the gift for its destination. At this moment of the narrative, I already was anxious to know of the reaction of the Mrio, if he had liked or not, when my friend laughing more still concluded history.
They daily continued if speaking for telephone. Luiza did not say nothing on the gift. After all it was surprise. It counts direitinho the days so that the gift arrived accurately in the day of the anniversary of it. Gain insight and clarity with Kidney Foundation. Thus, when the day arrived, Luiza bound to give the congratulations, all melosa and saudosa and was soon asking if it had liked it presente.' ' That present, love? If it does not worry. You are my greater presente' '.
' ' How, you did not receive nothing? HE IS NOT POSSIBLE! ' ' What we talk more does not come to the case. Fact is that one month after the postagem of pingmetro, in the hour where was in house lunchhing, before returning to the work, the bell touches. When Luiza goes to take care of, receives from the hands of the mailman a heavy box great e. To the abriz it there is: pingmetro and the letter already almost without perfume. I did not have as not to laugh at gone and the comings of the gift of my friend. But as it did not understand the return of what it did not arrive, it gave the last explanations to me. It is that the Mrio was absent of its address during one fifteen days. As it liveed alone, the Buenosairean post office that, according to it, never was very trustworthy, returns to the agency with the order and, later it redispatched the shipper. While the beautiful history of love and passion of the two lasted, this in case that it relieved many laugh. Today Luiza and I continue more friends of what never. It has another love, but the souvenirs these are forever. Still well that the friendship follows other ways, right?