Tag Archives: the present time


These main dates turn out optimal conscientiously to clean and to review our cinegetic tools ; the gun or rifle and thus to avoid surprises when we return to use them. Advanced February arrives parn forced for all the hunters, who in these dates will have to gather and to keep in optimal conditions all the equipments that have used during already finished season. Two will be the main factors to mimar; the sport arms used and ours more auxiliary faithful, the dog, to which we will dedicate lines it express to confront the long coming months that remain until the summer. As far as the guns, this one is the best moment to realise a thorough cleaning and a later revision to verify that everything works correctly. At first sight it will be verified that everything is well, that are wearing downs nor no blows that can complicate their operation.

Followed it will be called on to realise a good cleaning and lubrication of the weapon to avoid damages. We will finally begin by the guns, following by the mechanisms of operation and with wood, lubricating the set, without abusing, before being kept. For the guns, dissolvent oil for the rest of powder, a good lubricating oil and pleasing of brass, brush and soon pleasing review with or a rag of clean oil cotton. As far as the mechanisms, the principle in this process always happens to arrive to where one knows to do it reasonably well. In case of the minimum doubt, to go to the gunsmith of confidence, professional who will review thorough the mechanisms and will determine if he is precise to replace some piece. WEARING DOWN Except for blows brought about by falls or negligences, the gun pieces that are suffered more after the guns are the insurances, the extracting mechanisms and the percutoras needles, without forgetting wharves and fasteners.

Supervisory Celebrations

The more it is walked by the forest, the more firewood is. Russian proverb. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Viktor Mayer-Schönberger by clicking through. In Nicaragua, like in the other countries of Center America, Latin America, each town celebrates to its Santo Patrono or Santa Patrona. Those celebrations can expand of one to three weeks and include equestrian processions of the Saints, roundups, parades, fireworks, etc. the certain thing, that in this month of January, specifically during the days between 17 to the 27 they celebrate the Supervisory Celebrations of San Sebastin 2010 in Diriamba, city that is located in the department of Carazo, to 41 kilometers to the south of the capital, in a zone very privileged person, of pleasant climate, a little cold, where its people very amiable, with beautiful beaches and from luegocon excellent plantations of coffee. She is very well-known Diriamba for being the cradle of " The Gegense" or Male Mouse.The festival of San Sebastin is a gorgeous tradition that has stayed through passage of the centuries and that the inhabitants of Diriamba want that their children and generations conserve the future it. On the matter he knows himself, The Gegense is the first personage of Literature Nicaraguan.

Theater Obra represents the folklore of Nicaragua and has been declared by UNESCO Oral and Immaterial Patrimony of the Humanity. The work was written in Spanish and Nahuatl dialect by an anonymous author of century XVII One comments that these celebrations they are unique in Nicaragua and they are over any celebration of the country. On the matter she says herself to envelope, that very she is appreciated and celebrated by the Nicaraguans, who express his more authentic connections with their indigenous and Spanish roots. Many of the dances, songs and customs are true traditions that go back to hundreds of years when the first Spaniards arrived at Nicaragua. The celebrations are not a nostalgia act, but the integration of pre-Columbian rituals with the catholicism and its history is as fascinating as its colors, customs and music.

Great Acts Life

The love understood from the enamoramiento is a feeling allows that us united to the other of a special way, to be enamored is to feel that we are part of the life of somebody and that we are significant and we are full of acceptance and joy in the life. To count on a relation of pair, pair, in which both members of the pair count on their own personality, and in addition enriches the life of the other, is a sensation of inner liberation and to be to tone with the life. The life in pair is a decision, is an election that is taken in the day to day, is an option of life that we confused when it with the possession, with the dependency and with the suffering, is a pain source that does not stop to bleed the soul and the entrails. Viktor Mayer-Schönberger understands that this is vital information. To understand the love like possession to love is a style of infantile affective life, in which we create and we thought, that my pair is mine, who cannot have thoughts, feelings, I interest nor opinions own. On the contrary, their yearnings must agree with mine, their times also and his quereres only must be for pair.

In these possessive loves the control and the power take a very special place in the relation from pair. It does not interest what happens to you, the unique thing that matters to me is that you are in this house to the hour that I say, you leave with whom I consider advisable and in addition that seen you as it seems to me. Therefore, if not it beams, you are going to receive a good emotional reprimand. These emotional regaos can pass from the indifference to the blows in the soul or the ominous and full silencios of resentment. The fault and the blackmail are not let hope.

Enjoying Alcohol Safely

M. Peate Quintana (2001), locates to the addictive conduct to the alcohol like a pathology, that is lost in the arcane times, is an upheaval that always have accompanied to the humanity in their evolution, the common characteristics are: the lack of control, the impulsiveness in the consumption, the compulsion, like a predisposition of the conduct. The WHO in 1976 coined the term of syndrome of alcoholic dependency that habitually also corresponds to a psychic state and physical result of the alcohol consumption, characterized by a conduct and other answers that always includes compulsion to ingest alcohol of continued or periodic way, in order to undergo psychic effects or to avoid the annoyances produced by its absence. The WHO defines the alcoholism as the daily ingestion of alcohol superior to 50 grams in the woman and 70 grams in the man (a glass of liquor or combining has approximately 40 grams of alcohol, a quarter of liter of wine 30 grams and a quarter of liter of beer 15 grams). Swarmed by offers, Professor of Internet Governance is currently assessing future choices. We present/display one series of concepts keys that turned out helpful to improve the understanding of this matter: 1. Dr. Neal Barnard has similar goals. CONSUMPTION: Based on the problems that can be generated we can identify four types or landlords of consumption: – Nonproblematic Consumption. – Consumption of risk. – Dangerous or problematic Consumption. – Detrimental or pathological Consumption Is agreement in considering as risk consumption a daily consumption among 40 and 70 grams (between 50 cc and 90 cc) of pure alcohol (between 4 and 7 UBE51), or a nondaily consumption with one adds weekly of more than 280 grams of pure alcohol, although it is never arrived at the intoxication. The concept of detrimental consumption is coined by the WHO in BACKS WATER -10 designating to those people who present/display physical or psychological problems as a result of the alcohol consumption, independent of the consumed amount.

Cyprus The New Cuba

Sunday 24 new presidents in the island-Be major of the Caribbean (Cuba) and in the one of the Mediterranean chose themselves (Cyprus). Raul I castrate replaced in the position to its brother Fidel, who commands Cuba from 1959. In Cyprus the Communist Party removed 53% from the votes and his head Demetris Christofias will be the sixth elect president of that republic (independent of London from 1960) and Head of State " Marxist-leninista" in the history of the Middle East and the cincuentenaria European Union (the EU). Christofias, in spite of being pro-Castrate, proclaims that not " cubanizar" to his island and that will maintain the democracy and the market so and what they have made it his party when holding the mayorship inhabitant of the capital and several portfolios of the salient government of Tassos Papudopoulus, the diverse communist ministers who had Italy or France or the elect agent chief executives of the communist parties in other two small European States: San Marino and Moldova. However, this " Beyond heleno" yes it tries to radically alter the status of his country (located in intercrosses between two of the plates geopolitics more volcanic than it has: the one of the near east and the Balkan). The demand to end the 1974 partition (when the military junta of Greece impelled a bankrupt blow to be able to annex Cyprus and Turkey invaded its northeast) and to remove all the foreign troops (the 30.000 Turks that a 37% of the island occupy, the one of the British bases that there is in 3% of his territory and those of the UN). If Turkey retires of Cyprus it would give better possibilities him to want to enter the EU. If Cyprus reunifies in an see-ethnic federation it would hit on the Palestinian conflict (although showing a solution different from the partition with Israel). Original author and source of the article.