Tag Archives: whims


Intrinsic motivation is something basic for both their behaviour in children and for their development as people complete and confident if same. There is a day in the life at which began to be responsible, certainly not at age 18. Responsibility and the desire to behave appropriately and treat well to others is a process, that is comes not from the imposed authority, but since the trial and error and the desire itself to achieve that goal. Another of the things that we must learn to always transmit is that mistakes are not personal failures that leave indelible marks. Errors do not make us wrong people, they give us an indispensable and necessary opportunity in humans: we learn from our failures.Err is a learning opportunity. Cooperate with your child invites you to be creative and to have confidence in itself same and in us, always teaching him that he owns his own destiny but keeping our loving Guide and firm.

Children are members of the community from the time they are born. They are people. They must learn by trial and error to collaborate with family and social groups that are integrated, knowing that they are valuable since childhood, feeling valued and listened, without that go to the detriment of the rights of others to be also valued and heard. I.e. raising in a respectful manner is not let the children do what them pleases without helping them understand they can do damage to others.

We accompany your growth with firm and loving presence, but not from the imposition or the punishment.Make them feel bad not teach anything, children learn from love and communication, not from shame or anger. In fact, in that, as in other things, function as adults, are human beings equal. It is not quick or easy, it may seem more cash paste a scream or impose a punishment, but in the long run, the conversation will serve to lay healthy foundations to family communication and coexistence. Child to be valued if same and relies on its ability to be seen as someone able to improve and offer the best of himself to others. And that is the aim of education and care we give them parents, not winning a game, but give them the opportunity to be good people, useful and valuable, secure and capable of educate subsequent generations from the discipline with love.