The Existence

To put it crudely, and with common sense, if you leave open this channel once the sale has closed, it is the fastest way towards customer loyalty. First, because demonstrates with facts that your product support really goes much further than simply receive and reply to mails. Second, ensure that customers know how to use their products, and make them the most for which they were designed. And third, and not least, ensures adequate control of damages, claims excessive or not – of dissatisfied customers. The existence of the CM creates a more positive perception of the brand, promotes its permanence and contributes to the global final value of the product.

Buy an item from an unknown site of e-commerce, that a is not the same time realized the sale does not show greater interest in the consumer, which do so to a site that offers this type of support, perfectly tangible and concrete. Another work of the CM is more dynamic interactions that occur at a site. I.e., CM is in itself a tool of promotion. It has the mission to preserve the relationship with the customer by the greater amount of time possible, and to achieve this, must be able to provide a series of services extra: quality information, support of product and basically – entertainment, one reason number one for the people attended en masse to social networks. Of course, the hiring of a CM should not be an impulsive action, but it must go hand in hand with a plan for participation in social networks in medium and long term. Remember that the online channel is becoming gradually the predominant channel of circulation of information in the world. For this reason, care for and develop this channel will help you not only to stay in business but to achieve levels much higher sales.