The Guru In Yoga

The evening of meditation and yoga are suspended until further … meditation (10) yoga teacher (1) practices (14) relaxation (11) breathing (8) …
According to the guru, the teacher would not be a simple religion of Brahman or priest, but an enlightened being or soul autorrealizado like R’ma, Buddha, Krishna, etc.. The guru says that could bring the disciple of the oscuridad ‘awareness of the limited (due to the identification of the disciple with the physical body and his lower animal nature), which could reveal the ” Luza “of divine consciousness, hidden inside the disciple, who must practice the techniques that he teaches the guru (meditation, devotion, prayer, etc.).. All the Fundamentals of Yoga. Scientifically tested and effective, and see your opportunities grow. … types of yoga and they all prepared to … Yoga is well suited for the preparation of the body and mind for meditation. …
Meditation. As meditate, meditation, yoga and transpersonal psychology … There are many techniques of Dhyana Yoga (meditation) and the vast majority of …
In our website you will find articles, lessons and great online … Cristaloterapia of Peace, founded by Carmen Espinosa, a teacher of yoga and meditation.