The Law Of Business – Money Makes Money

It is known that money has a phenomenal ability – “creeps” penny – the hryvnia, uah – for ten and so on to tens and hundreds of billions. It is noticed by the ancient businessmen moneychangers and merchants Ancient Near East, Egypt, India, Roman Empire, etc. This is an immutable law of commerce, financial life. We only know him, to comprehend, to understand the mechanism of action and learn how to use their own purposes – to make money. And then do not need a starter capital, nor or business colleges. Therefore, a novice businessman must understand the magical power of the law and eventually use it in their business. For clarity, effectiveness of this law, we give, we can say one example from the experience of novice American businessman who made money on the cultivation and implementation of Kalanchoe Daygremonta.

It was in the late 30’s, when all of America embraced an unprecedented crisis. With the rapidity of lightning almost went out of business and disappeared from the economic life of hundreds and even thousands of large industrial plants and factories, associations, agricultural firms and farms, but the small firm young – twenty agrobiznesmena Arthur Neisse, contrary to the laws of economic crisis, has flourished, gaining strength and power. And why? Yes, because its owner – Arthur Neiss – opposed, as he later put it, the laws of economic crisis, the law of the financial heap on the formula “Central climbs cents and the dollar – the dollar – up to infinity if the process control.” Where do you start young Arthur Neiss? Son of a petty official of the suburbs of a small provincial town – the fifth child in the family, he was unable to get a decent qualification and, especially, higher education, to start a business. Hunger, cold and hopelessness reigned in a family where there was no longer an employee.