What is it with the the Riester promotion on himself? Is available to support the Riester who? Basically, everyone can conclude a contract to private pensions. Designated groups receive a promotion but only by the legislature. These are: trainee military and civilian service time and professional soldiers officials statutory pension insured worker employees of the public service law pension insured worker unemployed compulsorily during the three-year parenting time independent social insured part-time employees (up to 400 euro) recipients of unemployment benefit recipients of early retirement funds people voluntary, environmental or social year disabled people, which is intended to enable insured artists to its acquisition capabilities and publicist who is the Riester promotion in addition to? The spouse is not pension resident employed and an own age pension contracts, also him Riester promotion is entitled to. An indirect Has permission on promotion under the condition that the spouse contract has an own Riester and operates insurance: students full retirees retired due to disability, incapacity for work or disability workers employed (up to 400 euros) if the freedom of social security claim is considered self-employed in professional services (lawyers, doctors, pharmacists, etc.) I get independent, which are not in the statutory pension insurance how much can promote Riester? If you deposit at least 4% of their previous gross salary in the system, you will receive the maximum allowance. To get the full bonus, you have to pay a minimum 60 euros.
If you fall under the 60-euro limit with the four per cent, the amount is reduced proportionately. The currently 154 euro maximum support for single adults possible. 308 euro maximum support receive couples, who each have an individual contract of Riester. 185 euro Maximum support will be credited a child entitled to child benefit. 300 euros maximum support get child benefit-eligible children, if they were born after July 31, 2008.