relaxed on Sunday for the career learn just workers in the trade are at a disadvantage, when it comes to in-service training. Opening hours in the trade for many workers make it impossible to work in the evening or on Saturday on their professional qualifications. The private Academy Carriere & more has for these employees a special elaborated the conclusion to the trade specialist (IHK) in less than a year away it seems impossible! Just that promises the Training Academy Carriere & more. This is made possible by the innovative method of knowledge transfer, the EVA learning system. If you would like to know more then you should visit PCRM. In Augsburg he held next info evenings on January 15 and in Nuremberg on 22 January 2012 each clock from 19-00. Registration at.
“For more than 10 years, the educational institution prepared Carriere & more” now participants in record time on Chamber of Commerce final exams before. The EVA is the basis for the efficient form of teaching-learning method. EVA was from latest learning biological Insights and techniques developed from the superlearning and mental training. This, an intensive study is possible in a short time. Signs of fatigue are minimized so that every minute can be used learning efficiently and with pleasure. The participants will receive practical and exciting on many sensory channels presents the information. Another important success factor for the participants is based on a good mental preparation.
Not only the knowledge itself is important, but also the ability to retrieve it in the stressful situation testing. As in the sport for many years, participants learn how to mental techniques that will help them to provide optimum performance in the examination situation. This also applies to the oral examination, which still represents a high challenge for many examinees.