\”News from Udo A. Since early March 2009 presents the painter Udo A. Heinrich Heinrich his works within the framework of the exhibition the kind of freedom\” at the Salon del Arte on the famous Calle 8 in Miami. Florida travelers can visit the exhibition until April 6, 2009. The whole world celebrates the historic change in the United States – with the hope of peace. Under this motto the exhibition was the kind of freedom even on March 07, 2009\”in the Salon del Arte opened in Miami. To the joint exhibition, at which each present two of her works various artists in different Nations, the Organizer reported already now extraordinarily high visitor numbers. The Leipzig art painter Udo A.
Heinrich is the personal invitation and presented his current painting he had dreams – and yes, we can? \”, which shows the President of the United States of America, Barack Obama, the American flag and Martin Luther King.\” Udo A. Heinrich shows Obama as a beacon of hope and thus goes on the idealism Martin Luther Kings one, also the way for Obama’s Presidency has been prepared by its courage and imagination for freedom and peace. \”\” The second image Crusades? \”shows George W. Bush a crusader and thus playing on Bush’s crusade against evil\” on. The President of Gallery, Jose Luis Guerra Polanco, paid tribute to this special portraits as \”of high artistic quality and impressive expressiveness\” and rated the images as important for my country\”. \”The exhibits come from the series profiles + connections\”, in which Udo A. Heinrich the interplay between art, politics and current Affairs deals with. Through the correspondence between the persons shown in the foreground and background, associated the spiritual or historical connection to the viewer and is stimulated to an intellectual engagement with the contemporary and historical structures of power\”, according to the artist about his work.