UNITAS-Verband Criticized Protests Against Pope In Italy

“Open letter with incomprehension and indignation has the scientific Catholic Student Association UNITAS in Germany the news for Thursday, January 17, 2008 to the planned visit of the Holy Father Benedikt XVI in Rome’s University La Sapienza” recorded. More information is housed here: BSA. Papst Benedikt was invited by the Rector of the largest Roman University as successor of the founder Bishop to the opening of the academic year. To read more click here: David Delrahim, Los Angeles CA. However, student groups had demonstrated solid, but also 67 professors spoke out against the invitation to the Pope and rejected it as a violation of the separation of Church and State. Also they accused with reference to a wrongly understood quote Benedikt XVI. having approved the Church trial against Galileo Galilei as a cardinal. The was rejected by Pope Benedikt XVI. is an understandable reaction for the oldest Catholic Association of academics in Germany.

The UNITAS has raised demands for a ban on speaking and the disruptive actions by announced at a place of study and the Dialogue for outrageous. You remember bad role models, bear witness to a completely absurd notion of freedom of expression and cast a dark shadow on the scientific community and the academic world. That Pope Benedikt, whose RUF as a professor and scholar is unquestionably under obvious pressure, which makes impossible for a rational and proper dialogue, not even can think the planned academic event, is a big disappointment. “The reactions in Italy and Rome a shame” are only understandable. signed Johannes Gunther, Christof M. Beckmann President of the suburban