Volunteer Ministers

Monika went a few years later when the tsunami flooded the East Asian coast for five weeks to Sri Lanka as part of a volunteer organization of clerics while Heribert home came after his other obligations. After less than a year, the two exchanged the roles. Heribert went nuns as honorary chaplain for a month to Pakistan to help earthquake victims. “We helped thousands of people in Pakistan, to process the traumatic experiences, after they were trapped in the rubble of their collapsed House. The serious injury shock States were added, which sometimes took a greater toll.”said Mr nuns. Hopelessness and the loss of family members, friends, and of our own existence drew most of the victims there. “In my training for the Volunteer Ministers I learned how I can effectively help.

Through the applied directly to those in need, the people received the Of life in her eyes shine back. Each rescued so wanted to be a friend of mine. I had hundreds of friends literally at once.” “If I now look at my life and how I feel, then I can say that I left feel stable and at the same time. I can take care of people. Before Scientology I was a loser. Now I win, because I’m helping others.” The popular website “you meet a Scientologist” scientoogy.de of the Scientology Church International presents on the video channel currently 400 documentaries broadcast-quality, where Scientologists imagine from all parts of the world and a wide variety of layers. Their personal stories are by Scientologists even told, including educators, teenager, skydivers, golf teacher, Hip-Hop dancers, IT Manager, stunt pilots, mothers, fathers, dentists, photographer, actor, musician, fashion designers, engineers, students, entrepreneurs and many others.